Richard serra artists rights society ars new york.
Richard serra gutter splash.
I began by saying that the early splash cast pieces are no longer extant.
Richard serra gutter corner splash.
This video documents the installation of richard serra s gutter corner splash.
Night shift artist name richard serra date created 1969 1995 classification sculpture medium lead dimensions 19 in.
Night shift 1969 1995 lead 19 108 179 in.
From san francisco museum of modern art sfmoma richard serra gutter corner splash.
Sealed up behind the wall and reposing in silence if not patience was richard serra s gutter corner splash.
Gutter corner splash marks the debut of serra s work in metal sculpture and demonstrates his experimenting with the various properties of the medium.
Late shift gutter corner splash marks the debut of serra s work in metal sculpture and demonstrates his experimenting with the various properties of the medium.
Richard serra throws molten lead inside sfmoma.
Night shift 1969 1995 artwork info artwork title gutter corner splash.
Installation view de pont tilburg the netherlands 1998.
Artist interviews watch ruth asawa on her forms and materials watch sahar khoury on creative repair watch dawoud bey on visualizing history.
48 26 cm x 274 32 cm x 454 66 cm date acquired 1991.