The various rgb red green blue analog component video standards e g rgbs rgbhv rgsb use no compression and impose no real limit on color depth or resolution but require large bandwidth to carry the signal and contain a lot of redundant data since each channel typically includes much of the same black and white image.
Red blue and green rca cables.
Fospower 3 ft 3rca male to 3rca male rgb plugs ypbpr component video connectors cable for dvd players vcr camcorder projector game console and more red green blue 4 4 out of 5 stars 181 9 99 9.
The most common rca cable colors found in a household setting are red yellow and white.
2 6 out of 5 stars 4.
This demonstration uses one component video cable with red green and blue rca jacks and a separate audio cable with.
Some devices dvd readers in particular could have a component video output made of three rca connector red green and blue.
At one time computers offered this signal via a vga port.
This is because most common devices that require rca connectors such as televisions and gaming systems only feature three basic audio and video ports.
Find the component video and audio outputs on your video source that is the device that is going to connect to the tv.
With component video not only is color separated from picture but the color portion is split into two separate signals source.
Component video cables consist of three rca connectors colored red green and blue.
Carefully plug your cables in.
These are only for transmitting the image but not the sound for which a red white cable has to be used along with the component cable.